Our Specialties
Our primary expertise is understanding your business objectives and developing successful solutions.
We bring world class talent and deep experience to your projects as evidenced by our extensive list of achievements

Data Analysis
Machine learning, algorithms, scientific data analysis, advanced statistics

Genomics, proteomics, systems biology, precision medicine

Data Management
Database design, warehousing, dashboards, workflows

Clinical Study Design
Power analyses; biostatistics, observation, interventional and adaptive study designs
In addition to our core areas of expertise we have extensive experience integrating with the following efforts

Intellectual Property (support, provisionals, etc.)

Regulatory Support (FDA, CLIA/CAP, HIPAA, etc.)

Reimbursement (CMS, private payers, evidence portfolios)

Manuscript Development

Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) (selection, implementation, QCs)

Collaboration with academic, non-profit, government, for-profit, societies, etc.

Venture capital and other funding sources.